King of Networking

Networking with Westworld's VFX Supervisor Jay Worth

Episode Summary

Anyone with dreams of working in entertainment will enjoy my conversation with Emmy-winning VFX supervisor Jay Worth. His unusual path led to some of the most popular TV shows of the last decade: Westworld, Fringe, Person of Interest, and many, many more.

Episode Notes

Jay Worth is an Emmy winner, and not for something small that you haven't seen. He led the visual effects for one of the most visually iconic shows ever: Westworld on HBO. And before that, Person of Interest, Fringe, Alias, Altered Carbon, and many, many more.

But if you met him, you'd never know it. He is friendly, humble and hard-working. Always connecting people and invested in his community. He's not the self-indulged Hollywood stereotype. 

You have to learn about his story from Malibu kid to the hardest workin' guy in VFX.

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